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We are pleased to invite you to participate in the upcoming series of ASEAN Municipal Solid Waste Management Enhancement (AMUSE)​ training program on Waste Management and Sustainable Tourism, organised by GIZ in cooperation with AIT RRC.AP during July – Nov 2024.

Module 2: “Understanding Waste Generation and Composition in Tourism Destinations​" will be conducted on 1​ August 2024 at 14-16:30 hrs (UTC +7).

The training program is designed to enhance the knowledge, skills, and capacities of public and private officials and practitioners in addressing waste management challenges and promoting sustainable tourism practices.

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New e-Learning Course
Integrating Gender and Indigenous Factors into Locally-Led Adaptation

Shape the future, anywhere you are!

This course equips you to lead local adaptation efforts, weaving together gender, indigenous knowledge, and real-world cases. Interactive tools keep you engaged as you master these powerful approaches.​

Get started!​
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New e-Learning Course

Be Flood Prepared: Protect your community with FloodS!

Flooding is a growing threat due to climate change, causing devastating losses. But there's hope!

FloodS is a FREE, user-friendly web tool that lets you simulate flood scenarios in your area. Learn how to use FloodS with our 4-module e-learning series:

  • Understand flood risks 
  • Master the FloodS tool
  • Explore real-world case studies Protect your community.

Be prepared.

Get started with FloodS today!​
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RRC.AP e-Hub

​The RRC.AP e-learning Hub (RRC.AP e-Hub) is a dedicated platform committed to cultivating dynamic and interactive learning experiences, aimed at supporting the Asia and Pacific region in their endeavors to achieve climate change action and effectively implement National Adaptation Plans. Our mission at RRC.AP e-Hub is to offer strategic guidance and deliver high-quality learning resources that empower individuals, governments, and private sectors to comprehend, adapt to, and fortify resilience against the impacts of climate change. Proudly supported by the Ministry of Environment, Japan, RRC.AP e-Hub stands as a beacon for collaborative efforts in advancing sustainable practices and environmental stewardship across the region.

Visit RRC.A​P e-Hub​
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Know W​aste Knowledge (KWK) Platform

​The Know Waste Knowledge (KWK) Platform provides a platform for information and k​nowledge sharing to support inform decision-making on marine debris in ASEAN. The platform was created with the objective of generating and consolidating data and information on sustainable waste management, as well as transforming data into comprehensible outputs for key stakeholders to use. The KWK platform also provides information on international waste management projects, as well as offers capacity- building support for stakeholders through e-Learning content.

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FloodS, a Flood Forecasting Tool for Climate Adaptation

FloodS is a flood forecasting tool. A tool developed by a Japanese private company ‘Hitachi’ under the support of the Ministry of Environment, Japan. The introduction of this tool is owing to the requirement of climate adaptation in the region to forecast the flood and their expected impact for appropriate adaptation strategies as a part of a larger climate adaptation plan in the region. The knowledge from the deployment of the tool will help countries in the implementation of an integrated climate-resilient flood risk management approach and improve their existing capacity in understanding the potential impacts of climate change on flooding and flood risk management and enhance the resilience of vulnerable communities. 

Visit flo​odS ​​
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The design of adaptation solutions requires climate change scenarios to assess vulnerabilities. However, it requires a considerable resources to downscale climate data which add financial and technical burdens for locally-led adaptation. ​To bridge this gap, we introduce the S8DS dynamical climate change data downscaling service. This allows practitioners to assess global climate scenarios at the local scale without highly specialized technical training and skills.

More details


  • 2023

    • Air quality trends in coastal industrial clusters of Tamil Nadu, India: A comparison with major Indian cities

      India developed several industrial clusters nationwide, including in the state of Tamil Nadu to boost manufacturing. Three coastal cities, namely, Thoothukudi, Cuddalore, and Manali are developed as industrial clusters in Tamil Nadu. For the first time, we documented air quality trends in these industrial cluster cities of Tamil Nadu and compared them with those in Indian major cities, namely, Delhi, Mumbai, Kolkata, and Chennai. Between 2015-2020, data on key air quality parameters, such as pa - Read more...

    • Air quality management status and needs of countries in South Asia and Southeast Asia

      Countries in South Asia and Southeast Asia are experiencing severe air pollution problems. Most countries lack technical capabilities and adequate air quality management (AQM) infrastructure. A capacity building workshop on AQM was organised from 19–23 September 2022 for countries in South Asia and Southeast Asia. A total of 17 countries (eight in South Asia and nine in Southeast Asia) participated in the workshop. Each country was invited to present on available AQM infrastructure, including ch - Read more...

  • 2022
  • 2021
  • 2020

    • Capacity Mapping for Monitoring and Assessment of Plastic Pollution in the Lower Mekong

      This report presents findings of capacity-mapping study on the monitoring and assessment of plastic pollution in the Lower Mekong Region. The study was conducted as part of the UN Environment Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific's project titled the *Promotion of ConterMEASUREs against Marine Plastic Litter in Southeast Asia and India" (hereafter, referred to as * ConterMEASURE project"). The CounterMEASURE project aims to develop a region-based approach for the monitoring and assessment of - Read more...

  • 2019

    • Summary of ASEAN Meeting on Soot-free Transport

      The “Summary Report of the ASEAN Member States Meeting on Soot-Free Transport” sponsored by the Climate and Clean Air Coalition (CCAC) Heavy-Duty Vehicles Initiative (HDVI) was developed by the Regional Resource Centre for Asia and the Pacific, Asian Institute of Technology and was published at the CCAC website in April 2019, https://www.ccacoalition.org/en/resources/summary-report-asean-member-states-meeting-soot-free-transport. This work is the outcome of a meeting that was organized with sen - Read more...

  • 2018

    • Best Available Techniques for preventing and controlling industrial pollution

      The Best Available Techniques (BAT) concept has emerged as a key policy tool to prevent and control industrial emissions, thus ensuring a high level of environmental and human health protection. BAT and similar concepts constitute essential elements for setting emission limit values and other permit conditions for industrial emissions in many countries around the world. - Read more...

    • Words into Action- Guidelines Implementation Guide for Addressing Water-Related Disasters and Transboundary Cooperation

      RRCAP is a contributing author to the publication “Words into Action- Guidelines Implementation Guide for Addressing Water-Related Disasters and Transboundary Cooperation” - that was just officially launched. RRCAP’s climate change cluster contributed in two chapters: Developing strategies to reduce risk; and a Section on Capacity Development under Responsibilities and stakeholders’ chapter. - Read more...

    • Emission of Air Pollutants and Greenhouse Gases in Nepal

      Estimations of the emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases (GHG) of Asian country was done as a part of the activities of the Atmospheric Brown Cloud (ABC) Programme of AIT RRC.AP. ABC Programme has been supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). The estimation of emissions of air pollutants and GHG in Nepal was done by Prof. Ram M. Shrestha who authored a book “Emissions of Air Pollutants and Greenhouse Gases in Nepal”. The book is published by Region - Read more...

    • Guidance to Fuel Importing Countries for Reducing On-Road Fuel Sulfur Levels, Improving Vehicle Emissions Standards

      The “Guidance to Fuel Importing Countries for Reducing On-Road Fuel Sulfur Levels, Improving Vehicle Emissions Standards” was published in December 2018 as an agreement between the AIT and UN Environment. The overall objective is to support the implementation of the Climate and Clean Air Coalition’s (CCAC) Global Strategy to introduce Low Sulfur Fuels and Cleaner Diesel Vehicles (or Global Strategy). This guidance document addresses the implementation of cleaner fuels and vehicle emission standa - Read more...

  • 2017

    • Regional Study on Mercury Waste Management in ASEAN Countries

      The scoping study serves as a preliminary assessment of the current mercury waste management systems and practices in the ASEAN member states (AMS). It is aimed at identifying the current available sources of the relevant information, summarizing the essential information, and identifying gaps of information, challenges, needs and opportunities for further studies or actions. This study covers all AMS jurisdictions, while sector-wise, it focuses on Mercury in the Artisanal and Small-scale Gold M - Read more...

    • Asia Waste Management

      The Asia Waste Management Outlook (AWMO) provides an overview of the challenges and opportunities in waste management in the context of Asia. The AWMO is not intended to be a directory of wasterelated data or statistics; rather, it is intended to provide a perspective with prescriptions for a variety of stakeholders to encourage early action. It is also intended to provide an overview of the current status, current cutting-edge thinking, and the future of solid waste management in Asia over the - Read more...

    • Summary report: Waste Management in ASEAN countries

      This summary report examines the waste management landscape in 10 Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Member States. This report begins with the statistics on the trends of population growth, urbanization, and economic growth in each of the ASEAN countries, which is then followed by an overview of the waste generation, collection, treatment & recovery, and disposal statistics, and associated environmental, technical, and governance (institutions, policy, regulations) factors in the wa - Read more...


Thematic Ar​eas


Air Pollution

The RRC.AP has been hosting the Secretariat of major intergovernmental and technical support networks, such as the Malé Declaration on Control and Prevention of Air Pollution and its Likely Transboundary Effects for South Asia (Malé Declaration) since 1998, the Atmospheric Brown Cloud (ABC) Programme since its operation in 2002 and is currently an implementing partner to the Acid Deposition Monitoring Network in East Asia (EANET). ​

climate change picture

Climate Change

The Climate Change Cluster has carried out assessments on adaptation and mitigation under funding from the Ministry of Environment, Japan (MOEJ). The cluster was involved in the organization of the APAN Forum, leading sessions and discussions.  The cluster has also synthesised results of context-specific research and assessments undertaken by AIT faculty and RRC.AP experts and repackaged them into policy-oriented knowledge products....


Waste and Resource Management

The Waste and Resource Management Cluster  focus on connecting scientific understanding on waste issues with sound policies at regional, national, and local levels through research and assessment, policy support, capacity development, and secretariat functions and partnership. Waste cluster work builds towards sustainable waste management in the region while realizing the Sustainable Development Goals, Paris Climate Accord, Green Growth....

